About Me


I’m James, and I have always loved to travel. However, it took a good long while before I was really able to start moving toward my global adventure goal of seeing every country in the world.  I have spent some time in four different careers so there has been precious little time left for much progress toward my personal travel goals. Along the way, professionally and educationally, I obtained seven graduate degrees in a variety of fields and lived and worked in three states (with military service in four others). I currently teach global business and management courses to undergraduate and graduate students, while working with other interests such as real estate and community service. In addition, despite having recently retired as a Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve, I also added a new hobby as a background actor. This all means that I still have only limited time to travel. Nonetheless, I now have a global travel plan and I am working toward that plan. This blog is about that journey and, hopefully, will include some interesting photographic reflections on travel and life. Thanks for clicking.